With the help of Resting Paws, Velcro passed away peacefully at home with no anxiety or pain and we cannot thank them enough for that gift. Velcro was only with us for the last four years and five months of his life which, unfortunately, were filled with vet visits and procedures. Through it all, he maintained his love of life and of everyone around him, although that love did not extend to other dogs. He was a very special boy who just lived to give kisses with his very long tongue! Queenie, the cat, learned to appreciate him too but never did like those kisses on her face. We miss you so much, Velcro, and cherish our memories of you being a total nut job with your crooked smile and your wiggling little butt. Your “I’m cutsie” pose always made us stop what we were doing to give you tummy rubs. Our hearts are shattered, but we are forever grateful that you chose us to be your forever family. Rest in peace little bubba.