Pet Memorials

In Loving Memory

Honouring and remembering the pets we have helped transition across the rainbow bridge.
Please send us an email if you would like to honour your pet’s memory.


In loving memory of our sweet and special, Mystic, who brought so much joy and love to our lives. She passed peacefully while laying on my lap (her favourite place to be). I’m so grateful that I had 18 years with her sassy little attitude. Rest peacefully my sweet Mystic.

– Allison


This guy came into our lives on December 29, 2010…we had him for almost exactly 13 years.  We will miss him so much.  He was the best companion and fur brother to our daughter.  He was a great walking partner to his dad.  He was the best coworker for myself…he was by my side all day everyday for 13 years.  He was the best photoshoot dog despite being all black and hard to light..he willingly wore costumes and always knew the exact spot to sit for the ‘dog’ in any family photo.  He was a 70lb lap dog but always asked to get on the couch before jumping up.  He survived cancer twice and gave us 13 amazing years.  We are missing him so much already.  We have so many wonderful memories.  We are so grateful that he was able to be at home with us for his final moments. Thank you Dr. Vanessa.

Nugget came to Dr. Vanessa 17 years ago as an orphaned kitten who required bottle feedings around the clock. She grew into the purrfect companion who filled our lives with so much joy and warmth 😻She was the queen of drooling while purring, a sunbathing beauty with an odd, but adorable, obsession with bananas 🍌 She will be missed dearly 💔

Rest in peace sweet Nugget. You have surely left paw prints on the hearts of so many 🐾

In loving memory of our precious Kaira. We had her for almost 23 years. She will be missed dearly. She brought so much joy and unconditional love into our lives. Rest In Peace beautiful angel.
She was the sweetest being in the world. She had a good life and I know she made mine better. I love her with my heart forever.
AKA Humph, Meat Man, Pee paws, Meatball, and Grumpy old man 😍

He was a fiercely independent grumpy old man who would lead you on the walk wherever he wanted to go, which was to the best pee spots and whichever nearest store had treats. Humphreys favourite activities were to lay in the sun, eat chicken and all the treats, and pee on the highest points he could find and we gave him ample opportunity to pee on the top of many mountains, beaches, logs, rocks, and gardens. He was strong and brave right to the end and life will never be the same without him in it.

In honour of Kimbo, amazing and inspiring dog, our best friend. We can only say thank you for every single second you fulfilled our souls. Thank you Kimbo for all your love, your energy, your pure eyes, thank your for changing our lives. We will love you forever and you will be with us in our hearts. You were the best friend ever!
Having to say goodbye to you Maverick was one of the hardest things we have ever had to do.
You were the absolute best boy, your pure heart, unwavering love, and happy demeanour will be greatly missed. You were one of a kind and we are so fortunate for the time we had with you. We will love and cherish you forever.
Thank you to Dr. Vanessa and her team for the best way to say the hardest goodbye.
Always remembered and loved!
We’d love to remember her as a cat who loved her human’s laps, and enjoyed every sunbeam she could find.
You helped make her passing comfortable and we will never forget your compassion!
” My Beautiful Luna. You are swimming in the ocean, you are running through the forest, you’re chasing the birds of course.
Your love for me will never leave me, and mine will never leave you. I’ll meet you at the beach when next we meet. Goodbye for now.”
Mr. Bean
Goodbye Dear Mr Bean (aka Beanie, Beanbag, Lima Bean),
You were a force of nature we so enjoyed sharing our lives with for the past 14 years. King of the neighborhood racoons outside, king of the canines inside, a legendary hunter of mice and rats, you were the smartest and savviest cat ever, and super sweet to boot: loving to your family, calm and tolerant with children, super sociable with visitors.
You had a great life, but at almost 21, you were ready for a rest.
May you get endless head scratches, tuna and things to keep you busy in heaven. We will miss you dearly. Rest in peace. ❤️❤️
Sookie chose me at the SPCA in Nelson, BC. She kept tapping me on the shoulder. She made it her job to greet people wherever we were. She knew all the stores schedules, and visited each one of them. In the city she became an indoor cat but our first home was a communal home in which she also visited each person in the house when it was time for them to get up. She was loved by many. I know she is now with her Friend Ash in the Summerland, and I hope she knows she was loved all the way to the end when she was given her favorite treats and passed away comfortably in her home. I will always love you Sookie, take care of her Ash, and my Dad too.
‘Geisha was our bright light when there was dark days. She had the most fantastic personality and was a cherished member of the family. She was a delightful ‘diva’ and rightfully earned the title ‘Wee Princess’ in our home. We are so, so, so grateful to her for the laughs, the shoulder to cry on, the wise ear of her counsel, her loyal companionship and unconditional love. We will miss her everyday until we meet again.’
“Kuma, you helped us to see the beauty of this world. You had the gentlest heart and the bravest soul. We will love you forever, our beautiful, sweet boy.”
Forever remembered and loved.

Lisa will be greatly missed by the two families who had the great privilege of her companionship. Like the sunshine on a cloudy day, we always looked forward to her peeking her head through our door each morning, and starting our day with a walk and a smile.

Our sweet little man, Loki. There aren’t enough words to say about how you were the best companion, and just how bonded you were with us. We were SO LUCKY to have had you in our lives for 18 years. You touched everyone that met you with your sweet, gentle, and trusting nature (and your nonstop screaming about everything.) You were a once in a lifetime companion, we miss you immensely, and you will never be forgotten.
Thank you to Dr Vanessa and the Resting Paws team for giving Loki the dignified and compassionate send off he deserved.
Rest in peace sweet geisha, beloved family member, teacher, and best friend. You finished what you came here to do and you did an excellent job. We wish you plenty of delicious treats, lots of dance, prancing and companionship on the other side – and absolutely no limes, umbrellas, oven doors, nail clippings, reflux or joint pain. You loved hard and you were loved back immensely.
Our Beloved Mocha she is missed so much. We had 23 amazing years together. Rest in Peace our angel ❤️🙏
We loved Mickey deeply and we are sad. He went the perfect way with his McHappy meal. Thank you thank you thank you.
Zim was an affectionate boy, with the sweetest, most relaxed disposition of any cat, which made him beloved by all who met him. He was always ready for a cuddle whether he was invited or not, loved to play peek-a-boo, and never said no to relaxing in a sunbeam. When one wasn’t available, he took advantage of his cozy spots, making sure his humans always had a heating pad going for him. He was loved beyond measure, and will be deeply missed.
Remembering and missing my wonderful little dog and family member Rooney…you will never be forgotten.
Savanna crossed over the rainbow bridge on 19 February 2024.🌈 Thank you to Resting Paws for ensuring Savanna’s crossing was a peaceful one. She joins her dad and two best buddies, Dennett and Sabre. I am sure they are all happy to be together again. They are all dearly missed.
With the utmost care and compassion, Dr Vanessa and her assistant attended my home, and helped my beloved Daisy Cat leave this world from a safe and trusted place where she knew she was loved. Daisy was 19 years old, and had adopted me when she was a 3 year old living at the SPCA. I actually had been looking for a black cat & knew nothing about Tortois. Over 3 different visits, Daisy convinced me that she was meant to be mine.
With the help of some kind friends recently, I learned about home hospice pet care. Daisy’s condition had declined rapidly with significant loss of weight. When she then began to regurgitate water I knew the time had come, as difficult as that decision was. Resting Paws was kind enough to respond and attend within 48 hours of my call.
Daisy was a small cat, who when I adopted her appeared to be all head & skinny body. I think she had faced a lot of competition at feeding time, as she initially would “wolf down” all the food she could see for many months, until she began to trust that there would be food. She hated Car rides, and would howl all the way to the Vet’s, thus , it was important to me that she be at home as comfortable as possible before transitioning across the ‘Rainbow Bridge’. I was able to tell her that on the other side she would meet other kitties I had loved in my life : Gee, Ming, Shadow and Sheba, and that she would not be alone.
Remy loved her sunbeams, almost as much as she loved rotisserie chicken and tuna. All she ever wanted was to be cuddled, and be carried around on your hip. She never stopped talking, and could never resist a good blanket den. She was present for so many of our big moments, it’s hard to imagine life without her. 8 years was far from enough. We’ll miss her forever.
We will always remember how she was all heart. She took care of all our rescue animals, the loving mama, even when she was still a pup. She was a beautiful soul that will forever be missed.
Snuffaluffagus was the bestest, cutest and most nicest cat. No kitten was loved more. I’m so grateful that we found each other, it felt like it was destiny. You are enormously missed. I love you and always will. She is and will always be ‘sooo cute’.
Always remembered and loved
“I adopted Charlie from a rescue when I was 18 and he was 3 months old. Over the past 11 years of growing and changing, the one constant was how much we loved each other. We were inseparable. I can’t wait to play fetch with him again someday.”
She loved sitting between her dad’s legs on the couch, chin rubs, & sharing our food, especially burgers. We’ll miss her every day.
Diesel was the sweetest boy and a very loyal friend. He provided comfort to our family during very difficult times. He was full of beans and a great source of fun and laughs. He loved going for walks and on adventures and soaking in the sun. His favourite activity involved any kind of treat toy. He loved food most of all. Diesel is deeply loved and greatly missed. ❤️ 🐾
Bella was our sweet little girl for nearly 17 years
She loved playing ball in her younger days more than any other activity
She loved the beach and her walks she just loved being outside
Bella was extremely food motivated and she once ate a pound of butter when our backs were turned
She also stole and ate a quesadilla out of my sisters purse
My sister had gotten a doggie bag from her lunch and happened to leave her purse on the floor
Well Bella thought it was hers!!
Bella was loving and affectionate loved to be in my arms and sleeping with us safely at night
I loved that little girl with everything I had
As long as she was with us she was happy
I cant imagine my life without her but we sent her off in the most beautiful compassionate way possible
I am so thankful I found Resting Paws they cover every detail and I was able to spend every moment saying goodbye

You made our releasing of our lovely Zoe so calm and peaceful. Zoe was not shaking and scared. All she felt was love and for that I am extremely grateful. She was adopted when she was not yet two. She was full of fear and a very anxious dog. As time went on, she became much more trusting. She loved her walks and and being with her family. She is already miss.

“My sweet girl,
Life will be so much more quiet without your snores and constant noises.
Your love for people, walks and hiking always made me so happy.
I’m glad our little family got this time with you.
Now go run wild.”
“the happiest girl who loved life to the fullest.”
Forever loved. Hope you are enjoying the squirrel park in the sky.
“Hornby was a very good girl, who was recused as a puppy from a shelter in Belize, and lived her eight years to the fullest. From sailing around the gulf islands, to sniffing every single lamp post in Downtown Victoria, she loved her little life, and will be missed more then she’ll ever know. Thanks to the incredible team at Resting Paws for making her final moments painless, and without fear. She left this world wagging her tail, with no vet clinic (her arch nemesis) in sight.”
“I know that everyone says this about their pet, but Gus truly was the best dog. My husband and I adopted Gus from the SPCA when he was ten months old and we were both quite young ourselves. It didn’t take long for Gus to know we were his people and show us his goofy, fun loving traits. For a dog of his size, he certainly didn’t know it- sprawling an entire queen sized bed, sitting on your lap when he didn’t want you to stop petting him, or “giving you two” paws to put on your shoulders to dance. Gus was with us for all of our biggest moments- first homes, marriage, the birth of our two daughters- and we couldn’t have asked for a more loving and gentle best friend to have by our side for the last eleven years. We miss you deeply Gus, every moment of every day, and we hope you’re rolling in some snow, enjoying an ice cream cone.”
Mr. Tucker
Loved immensely, missed terribly, never to be forgotten.
We just want to say our Tilly was taken too soon after a miraculous back surgery recovery.’

She was loved so much and gave so much love to us, we wish we had more time.

We will never forget her and she is deeply missed.


Jagger came into our lives and touches our hearts the moment he was brought home. As a Mastiff/pitbull he was always so gentle. We had 2 children at the time that he was always protective of. He showed so much love. He enjoyed playing with our other dog Harley who has also passed away. They were bestfriends. Jagger loved attention and we miss him dearly. The house just isn’t the same without him there.

A wonderful companion and family member. Apollo will be missed tremendously.

Chibi was quite simply the love of my life, my soul dog. She had my heart from the first moment I met her. She had an amazing way of making everything better by just existing.
We went on so many adventures together and she absolutely adored chasing fish in the tide pools at the beach, so much so she got her own fish tank for Christmas one year so she could sit and watch the fish swimming around.
In the darkest of times she knew how to make things better with a lick to the face or a snuggle in bed.
I’m eternally grateful that I got to be her mummy for 14 and 1/2 years and will miss her forever ❤️🐾

Willow came into my life when I met her while she was a kitten, living in a barn in the country. I had recently said goodbye to my dear dog and didn’t think I was ready for another companion. But Willow had other ideas and I ended up taking her home with me that day .I bought a harness and a leash for her and together we explored her new neighborhood and met new friends. She was a beautiful, lively ,feisty little being who enriched my life so much. She loved to sit on my lap and purr and play with her many toys. She will always live in my heart. Heart felt thanks to Dr. Vanessa and Zoe and team for your compassionate care that enabled Willow to be at home for her last days and moments. Joan
Missed terribly. Loved whole heartedly. Forever cherished
So grateful this little doggy and I found each other. At home, he followed me everywhere and had an honour seat in the front of the car when we went out. When I was without him, he made coming home wonderful. Bouncing up and down to see if I had any cookies, vigorously wagging his tail, and a little bark, with the inevitable question in his eyes. How could you leave me?

Pippy, I’m so grateful for the gifts of joy and happiness you brought to my life. I’m so sorry you had to leave. Please know that you will always be loved and remembered. I’ll always have those cookies.

Chatham was a very special dog who lived a very enriched life. He loved to go for hikes and swim, despite Jack Russell’s commonly not enjoying swimming. He loved his ball more than anything and in his prime could outrun any dog or child bold enough to challenge him in a race. He loved to snuggle and always managed to take up the most space in any bed, even a king size.

Chatham was a terrier by nature and if he ever caught the scent of a rodent in the yard he would get himself into various precarious situations trying to catch them, getting himself stuck on numerous occasions. He hated shovels and would try to take down his mortal enemy and protect his family from that evil shovel!

Chatham was one of the most expressive dogs you’d ever meet. His emotions were always evident and visible and although he never barked, he would vocalize his opinions strongly with a quick yip or whine.

He was well loved by everyone who met him and would leave gifts of white fur knitted into the clothing of anyone who met him.

Words cannot properly encapsulate how special this little boy was, but it is still worth the effort to try. He will missed deeply by many and his memory will live on through countless photos, videos and wonderful memories.

Beyond loved. Truly cherished. A significant part of the family. You will be missed terribly.
Cherished companion, friend and family member. Your memory will last forever
Maggi came into my life in 2008 when a homeless person used this adorable puppy to ask for money. I bought her that night, and she became my best friend and travel companion. From that night on, she rode with me on my motorbike in Colombia, perched on the gas tank wherever I went. We then moved to Panama together for five years, where she upgraded to riding a scooter—her favorite.

Later, we moved back to cold Calgary, where she surprisingly adapted very well to the weather and grew a thick coat. But the ocean called us once again, and Maggi moved to Victoria for the last few years of her adventurous life. There, she was lovingly cared for by my wife, Robyn, who spoiled her like no other. She somehow managed to tolerate our two pugs, Yoda and Lucy, although Yoda has since passed.

Rest in peace, my adventure buddy and best friend.

We have been so lucky to have Caesar in our family. This gentle soul came into my life 20 years ago and has been a constant and loving companion. He has been there for all my major life events. He’s slept in my son’s crib, watching over him as he has grown into a man. We are so grateful for him and the love and cuddles he brought into our home. We miss him so much and hope that he is laying in a warm sunbeam or in front of a warm fireplace.
Scout lived for 14.5 yrs and brought so many laughs to all. He was smart, loyal, had a stunning coat that smelled like peppermint and was so incredibly weird. His joys included walks, meeting other dogs, eating kids toys and giving us the side eye. His quirks included the fear of umbrellas, bees, and the sound of hiccups. He also had to sing along to Raffi’s Five Little Ducks and Happy Birthday. He left an imprint on all our hearts especially the two littlest ones in our family. Rest well Scout you are so missed.
“Leo was my best friend for almost 13 years. He was my greatest teacher and helped me to grow into a better person. We tackled fear and anxiety together along with patience, tolerance, forgiveness and joy- lots of missteps along the way, but always together. We never gave up on each other. Our daily walks totaled thousands of kilometers over mountains and streams and fields. I’m so sad that his mobility gave out long before his heart and zest for life. He was my first dog. My heart is broken. I hope we find each other again. Thank you to Dr Vanessa and MJ who made it just a little easier to let go with their sensitivity and care.”
Oreo came into my life when I was feeling isolated in a new part of the country. He was the first pet I ever had on my own, and I was super nervous about it. I needn’t have worried though; he never bit, scratched, or hissed, and he was constantly either sleeping with me on my shoulder at bedtime or snoozing in my lap at my computer desk even when there was perch set up for him in a big spot of sunlight on the porch.

It’s not going to be the same without you now, buddy. The bedroom door is always open in case you want to pay a visit, and I’ll leave the perch in that spot of sun for you.

Twix came into our lives unexpectedly when we were running errands one weekend and caught a glimpse through a window of a tiny, yet long white puppy with little grey ears and a button nose. She was afraid of her own reflection, and when we asked to see her, she came over to chew on our shoelaces. The next thing we knew, we were welcoming her into our home and hearts. From the first sleepless night of wailing and thinking “what have we done”, to moving between British Columbia and Manitoba a couple times, Twix was our loyal family member, cherished friend, and vigilant protector. She loved chasing sunbeams, parading around with her prized toys, barking at everything and anything, and mostly burrowing with great satisfaction into a collection of blankets, steeping quietly, and letting out a muffled “bouf” every now and then.

Sweetie chiweenie, our home will never be the same without your ears flapping day and night, and hearing your little feet tap dancing on the floors. Thank you for teaching us responsibility, and for your unconditional love over the last 14 years. Rest easy, and may you always have a fresh warm blanket and bowl of treats in reach by the fire as you warm your belly. We miss you dearly, love you, and will always remember our wonderful times together as a family with big smiles on our hearts.

She was such a loving dog that was so friendly with everyone and was such a sweetheart with my children. Myself and the children will miss her very much.
A big, little cat

With a great deal of sadness, we said goodbye to our third member of the household on Saturday. LC/Elsie was a little cat with a huge personality. We were honoured to be her “humans”.

Many of the residents, in our small coastal neighborhood, knew -and enjoyed – our little cat. She reveled in the relatively safe environment that was offered here. A tracking device on her collar helped with location. She lived the best of lives. Indoors. Outdoors. She would often come with us on walks but enjoyed her private adventures as well. A brave little soul. Nothing seemed to phase her. Every day included something fun!

Lap time was a necessary element on a daily basis and LC ensured we both had equal opportunity. She insisted we slow down and give her the attention she required. We like to think it was good for us as well.

A huge thank you to “Resting Paws” – Dr Vanessa and Ashleigh – for the wonderful care you gave to our beloved companion. Her final journey was so peaceful, gentle and dignified. She fell asleep on my lap, and in my arms, listening to the gentle breeze and twittering of birds. It was a beautiful end-of-journey.

Very grateful for this unique service. Yes… “she was just a cat” but to us she was so much more.

The ad read “the friendliest cat in the world” and he certainly was. We couldn’t have asked for a more loving, cuddly kitty. Rest in peace dear Fred. Thank you 🙏 for the beautiful memories. We will miss you.😢 and will carry you forever in our hearts. 💕 Thank you Dr. Vanessa for making Fred’s transition so peaceful.

Beloved family member. Nutmeg will be deeply missed by all those whose lives she touched.

“Penny was our family’s small – but mighty – rock. A steadfast presence in the center of life’s whirlwind. Lying in the sun by the front door: a reminder to slow down (and let sleeping dogs lie). Chasing a huge deer off our porch late at night: a message that size doesn’t matter and that there is nothing to be afraid of on the darkest winter night. Penny was a sidekick who delivered joy to offices, shops, road trips, summer patios, and airports from Victoria to Cancun. Penny has left us with cherished memories that will remain in our hearts forever.”
Chewy was a quiet, loving and silly girl. She made us smile every single day.
She made passers bye smile, especially when sporting her favorite pair of pajamas.
She truly brightened everyone’s day.
You will be missed, but never forgotten.
Jobin was everything to us. He was our first baby, the one who taught us how to care for something other than ourselves. For 15 years, he was beside us for every single moment big and small. He was there when we moved into our first home together, he watched us start our careers, he saw us through the loss of loved ones, he celebrated alongside us at our wedding, he snuggled us all the way through two pregnancies and maybe the best memories of all come from watching him fall in love with our babies. We were kids when we brought him home, he grew up with us. We can’t imagine life without him.

Jobin was perfect. The most lovable, happy, loyal, gentle boy who never left our sides. His favourite things included swimming and chasing sticks at the beach, going on hikes, playing in the snow, steak dinner, snuggling with his people, and tucking his babies in at night. But really as long as he was with us he was happy doing just about anything. We all miss him so much, but wow are we lucky to have had 15 years of loving him

He was our soul dog and we will never forget how special he was.

Thanks for the memories buddy.

Love you, good boy.

One of the best boys ever, You will be greatly missed, but your presence will forever be in our hearts.

Rest In Peace, Lovely Stella Jan 2020 – June 2024

You were the sweetest little angel. I’ll miss our nightly snuggles the absolute most, as you always seemed most content with life then. Knowing I can never feel you purring on my chest or having you sleep right next to me again has been/will be the hardest part about you being gone.

You had a well of patience for your pesky brother, you were a master bug hunter, and we loved to play ‘peekaboo’ with you, as it brought out your silly and rambunctious side.

We had to say goodbye far too soon, but I find comfort in knowing I loved you with my whole heart and gave you the best life I could have given you. You were loved so deeply and I still feel a hole in my life without you here.

Although our time together was short, I’m so grateful we were the ones who got to spend that time with you. You were perfect 🖤

The kindest, sweetest boy you can possibly imagine. 🖤 You will forever live on in the hearts you touched.
“Our sweet Pinta travelled from the streets of Mexico City to our home in some serendipitous move that still amazes us. She was a true companion who loved her way into our hearts with such loyalty and patience that fulfilled and changed us in ways that are impossible to describe. We have such gratitude that our paths crossed for the 12 years that it did. Pinta’s passing was peaceful and know that her beautiful spirit carries on. We love and thank you forever dear Pinta”. ❤️🌹
So deeply cherished and profoundly missed
A Mark Twain quote: ” everybody thinks they have the best dog and none of them are wrong” RIP Maggie.
Sheamus was a true gentleman. He will be missed greatly.
We love you.

Frayzer raised our children and all of the other animals in our family. She was the alpha, the original, the first, the constant. She was forgiving and gracious and shared everything except her bed. She always loved treats, belly rubs and being tucked in to a hug or a blankie. She will be greatly missed by everyone who loved her.

I couldn’t be more grateful for 13 years of loyalty and love. Always remembered my sweet ‘Abbey-doodle’.
We will miss our beautiful little girl Chewy, you will be in our thoughts all the time.
My little girly, my joy, my comfort, my shop steward. You always knew when someone needed your closeness, and your quiet presence eased many difficult moments. Thank you for all the snuggles… now you can rest in the lap that never needs to get up to pee.

May the long time sun shine upon you,

all love surround you,

and the pure light within you,

guide your way on.

Rajjah was a true friend and loving friendly cat to his family who loved him with all their hearts. He was adopted from the BC SPCA in Victoria at age 11, and lived with his family for 13 years.
He loved sitting on his favorite chair listening to the sounds of nature.on his favorite chair outside on his balcony. He loved to be serenaded to and he would happily curl up and listen to his favorite songs that were sung to him in guitar.
He is dearly missed , and forever remembered by everyone who came into his life.
He was a brave and beautiful cat that woke up each morning and waited for a hug.
We miss you our dear Rajjah
Jabberwocky was a sweet, sassy girl who loved heated blankets, belly rubs, crinkle toys, and dressing up in pretty outfits. She was happiest when she was by my side and followed me everywhere she could.

Jabberwocky was my first cat, my best friend, and my soul cat. I’ll miss her so much. It’s incredibly painful knowing she’ll never crawl into my arms again, that I’ll never again pet her soft fur or feel her gentle paw on my arm.

Thank you for your love and companionship for 18 years, Jabber. You are forever in my heart. Go play in all the sunbeams, sweetest girl. I’ll leave space for you on the heated blanket.

To sum Roxie up in a few words is extremely hard. She was amazing on so many levels, extremely loyal, faithful, fierce but loving. If you were lucky to be loved by her, she knew how to let you know. She was goofy and made us laugh constantly; she was our southern belle. She had a huge impact on the world and will be truly missed.
In loving memory of Hugo (a.k.a. Hugo Beans)♥️🐾

Hugo was a beautiful soul who loved adventures with his family, searching for treats, and cuddling.
He loved sitting by the ocean listening to the waves, feeling the beach sand squish between his little toes, sniffing in the soft green grass, and making friends with cats.

Hugo was there with us through big celebrations and huge losses.

He taught us what unconditional love truly feels like, how to play, and how to appreciate the little things.

For 16.5 years, I was blessed to have him as a best friend and grateful to be able to spend each day together.

He is greatly missed, but his presence is still felt in the comforts of home, in the warm sunshine, and always in our hearts.

We love you, Hugo.♥️

Our sweet, gentle, wise, curious sir Farley. We miss your ever presence here. Find new trails, meet new friends, chase what moves, sleep in the shade. You have led the way, as you always loved to do. Until we see you again, we are never far apart. Farewell kindred friend.
Forever cherished and deeply missed, sweet Bandit, your memory will live on in our hearts.
Baxter, a sweet and joyful companion who embraced the outdoors with boundless energy and brought so much happiness into my life. His presence will be deeply missed, but his spirit will forever remain in my heart.
Our little lion. With complex health needs and blind since birth, Walter was literally enveloped in love (from mum) and ‘calibrated risk taking’ (from dad) which collectively included innumerable family snuggles, garden explorations at Gramma and Grandpas, bubble baths (!!!), road trips to the Prairies, lazy afternoons ‘listening’ to football or ‘helping’ mum as she cooked aromatic dinners.

Your percolating purrs a.k.a ‘purrbulating’ will be sorely missed along with all the routines and rituals that made our home, well, a home. We take solace in knowing you are no longer uncomfortable, so our many tears are of relief and finitude.

Whether we rescued you, or you rescued us, will be a point of meowing debate.

Sleep well little lion. Sleep well.

In loving memory of Luna our best friend and ‘fur baby’ of 12 years. Luna was a gentle, affectionate and sensitive girl that was loved by all who met her. Her joyful enthusiasm for life was tangible. We joked that she was the only extrovert in our little family as she made friends wherever she went. Walking with her first thing every morning was one of the best parts of my day and I’ll miss our special time together. Luna loved her dog park friends, playing with her ball, squeaky toys and going to the beach. Rest easy good girl.
Felix was a gentle giant who loved food, forehead kisses, and his family. He (along with his alleged son, Wallaby) found his forever home with me, and a permanent place in my heart, in early 2021.

Felix was a furry friend to Wallaby; the boys were a team. They played together, cuddled together, begged for my (off limits!) food together, and woke me up every morning together. Felix was a faithful companion to me, too. He stayed close while I worked from home — curled up on the couch behind me, basking on the floor in rays of sunlight, lounging in his window hammock, or sprawled right across my desk. Whenever I went to the bathroom, he guarded the door. He often joined me on my mat for Pilates classes. At night, he slept soundly at my feet. And conveniently, he had the magic ability to teleport right behind me in an instant upon hearing the fridge door open.

Felix contracted FIV before I adopted him, though it never interfered with his quality of life. This year, however, his health declined, and after various tests, my vet and I learned that he had heart disease. With medication, we were hopeful that his health would improve, but after he suddenly took a turn for the worse, my vet discovered a large mass (cancer) in his abdomen. Given his poor condition, I did not want to put Felix through any more pain just to try to keep him alive for my sake. I made the decision that was best for him.

I am so grateful to Pacific Cat Clinic for taking excellent care of my beloved boy and for advocating for his comfort; to Resting Paws, for easing Felix’s pain and giving him the peaceful goodbye that he deserved, in the familiarity of his own home; and to both veterinary practices, for their compassion and care every step of the way.

Goodbye, Felix. Wallaby and I will love you forever.

“Charlie (aka Chicken Nugget, Chicken Noodle, Legrande Orange, Char Char and Chew Chew)
We will miss your silent meows, head boops, little love bites and your desire for constant attention. Your silliness made us laugh and smile every single day. You were also our “sweet baby sweetness” and you loved big. We were blessed to have you in our lives. Love you furever.”
Rest in peace beloved black beauty; your adventurous spirit will forever be cherished and deeply missed.
You truly were my little gentleman, my unicorn dog, and now my sweet angel.
You took a big piece of my heart with you when you left, and left behind your perfect paw prints on my heart.
Rest easy my sweet, handsome boy 💔
Hanna AKA Moopy
Hanna aka Moopy came to us in her senior years because of a death in our family. It was not an easy transition for all of us. And still, as the months passed, trust grew, and we learned how to be a new family together. We knew nothing about poodles and Moopy was a patient/persistent/stubborn/smart teacher…. I’ve never known such a gentle-mouthed dog! Fleet-footed, like the Huntress, she was also The Destroyer of Sticks, Hater of Scooters and Widdershins Around Tables. We loved her very much. There is a big hole in our life. When a door swings a little open my heart gives a lurch– will her spongy nose poke inside? I am comforted by the fact that her death was so easy and kind. She left life gorging on liver treats which she couldn’t eat when she was with us because of chronic digestive issues. She was so happy…. We were in the backyard in the shade of the trees. Birds were chirping. Her best toys were nearby.
I picture her spirit trotting lightly ahead, like she would do when I took her off the leash at the bottom of the driveway. That spring in her step. Her tail held high, that easy pace, so swift and graceful. Sometimes she would stop and glance back to see if I was coming. Then, reassured, she’d trot up over the rise and disappear.
Coconut came into our lives about 19 years ago. She was the only black kitten nestled among many little bodies of white fur and stripes. It was my tenth birthday and the second we picked her up she started purring as loudly as an engine, my Mom and I immediately knew that she was the one. I think she chose us just as much as we chose her. Over the years, Coconut grew beautiful and plump and loved socializing with her fellow female-kind. She was the kind of cat who showed great concern if you were ever crying and would spend the whole day in bed with you if you were sick. Getting chased around and giving my Mom and I a good scare, or at least trying to, gave her much delight. I’ll miss giving her kisses on the head the most.

Thank you for years of playing, friendship, cuddles, laughs, purring, comfort and so much more. You were the best friend I ever had and I’m going to miss you every day. We went in for a cat and wound up with the whole package. Easy travels wherever you are, my friend, I hope we can meet again someday.🐾🖤

I adopted Dolly from a rescue outside of Edmonton when I was 25. I didn’t quite know what I was in for – both in terms of extreme exercise, but also in terms of extreme devotion. I can’t even count the kms we’ve hiked, walked, or ran together. Or the evenings she made me feel comforted. I just had to glance her way and she knew if I was asking her to go for a walk, get a treat, or come up on the couch. She was smart, intuitive, and got me out of bed on days when it seemed like an impossible feat. I can’t imagine what I’ll do without her but I’m so glad we had the time together that we did. Hope that you find some ocean shores to run along and some snow drifts to bounce through, my sweet girl.
She was a fairly timid little creature but had plenty of cattitude that helped her make her wishes known! We met her in an animal shelter in Whitehorse many years ago, and she’s been a wry observer and constant participant in family life ever since. She will be fondly remembered.
From Elijah (7), her dearest boy – I really really liked snuggling you. I really miss you. I love you.

From Mom, her savior & Dad, her pack leader – Rylee was deemed anxious, leash aggressive, should live with no dogs, no children and our home was her seventh by the time she was 4. The odds were not in her favor. She bonded to our other dog immediately, and later down the road while we were nervous she would eat the baby, I am pretty sure she thought he was hers.

Rylee was a universal blood donor and saved 6 lives in her 15 years. Highlights include; when she stole a neighbors moose antler and brought it home, ate another’s chicken, lost an argument with a raccoon, made the feather duvet snow in the summer, could gas out an entire floor of the house, and had a giant distaste for Golden Retrievers. She would adventure out of her contained yard for 12-14 hours, but always came home to snuggle, eat and sleep.

She loved with her whole heart, eventhough it took some time to win it over completely. I will miss my little spoon in bed, and my mobile slippers in the fall. There are dogs, and then there are soulmates. She really squeezed into the soul, and left behind a surprising menagerie of life lessons and memories. There is no death without life, and we were so lucky that most of her entire life was spent with us.

Rylee, nicknamed “Birdie” will now forever be basking in the sunshine and watching the birds.

Lyla was a gentle soul who was a member of our family for many years. Although we didn’t know her age, we had the privilege of living with Lyla for almost 13 years. She was a constant companion to our children, and a mother-figure to our dog Oliver. We will always be grateful for the time we had with Lyla, and miss her tremendously. We are broken-hearted, but take comfort in knowing she enjoyed a long and happy life. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
George, such a gentle soul, you will miss you dearly. May you rest in peace, sweet boy.
Held dear in memories and eternally honored.
Coco was our first rescue, although he was still a pup his previous owner wasn’t ready for the responsibility of a dog. For us, Coco seemed to be the perfect companion to our Bailey, who was just 9 months old when we adopted Coco.

Coco fit in well with our family and boy did he bring us lots of laughter and joy. He was our little furry goofball who absolutely loved the snow. He wouldn’t hesitate to run, pounce and dive headfirst into it. Other times he’d be playing a game of hopping and running, usually out of the blue. As always we would burst out laughing at his antics.

Coco’s favourite toy was a little fox that he had from day one and stayed with him, even at passing. That poor fox had seen better days, he was stitched up countless times over the years. Coco especially loved to take his little fox on a walk around the house while whimpering, this seemed to occur after each meal.

Our Coco was a loving little guy with big a big personality. He was fortunate to have fathered three puppies with our Bailey leaving a legacy for the future. It is with much gratitude to Resting Paws and there team who brought us peace and comfort during Coco’s passing. He will forever be remembered and missed dearly.

To our sweet Pixie:
“When we started looking to get a kitten, 17 3/4 years ago, your face was the very first one that popped up on our computer screen. Immediately we knew that there was no need to look any further. We fell in love with you right then and there. We loved you even more when we met you in person and then even more when we brought you home.

Over the years that love has grown and grown. You have been and always will be our everything. Our baby girl; daughter; princess; companion; friend; confidante; cuddle bug (on your terms); travel mate; source of entertainment with your zoomies/energetic play/hi-jinx/constant chatter; and so much more.

Although we have had to say goodbye for now we want you to know that despite your no longer being with us physically you will forever remain in our hearts, thoughts, and memories. You are enormously missed. ”

Rest in peace our sweet Holly pup. November 30, 2008-September 30, 2024.
Holly was the most amazing and charismatic dog! Everyone who met her loved her. She could be a major snuggle pup, happily snoozing on your legs on the couch–but if you wanted to be active, she’d gladly run 5km with you and then come home to play fetch. Over the course of her 15 years and 10 months on earth, she ate more strange things than any dog I’ve ever known. Some highlights include at least 2 dozen pairs of my shoes, half a CD, a leather glove, a bag of dark chocolate Easter eggs, a bag of candy canes, a bowl of gummy frogs, and many many dandelions.
She loved to bark at anyone but always wagged her tail to tell them know she just wanted to play. She thought every visitor to the house was here to play fetch with her. Right up to her final days, she was still trying to play ball.
She loved to roll around in the grass on a sunny day, and to play in the snow, but often refused to go out in the rain. She was the strongest at tug of war with a rope, and would never let go even if you picked her off the ground holding the toy.
Our kids adored her and she loved them and was a great comfort to them. I don’t know what we will do without her.
“Lily is greatly missed. She was an amazing friend and companion. We were lucky enough to have her in our lives for fourteen and a half years. Our house seems so empty and quiet now, which we have not gotten used to as of yet. Our memories of her are fond ones as she was always in the center of things, whether it be swimming, going on long hikes or just snuggling with us on the couch or bed. She was a wonderful dog and she will be missed much, fondly remembered and very much loved”.
Ruby was an athlete, a chicken wrangler, a tractor driver, a clothes model for a little girl, an office dog, and a therapist. She was stubborn and barely tolerant of her feline sisters and the rain.

Ruby’s health declined over the last year due to liver disease. She died in our arms at home being told how loved she was.

She made us better humans and we loved her deeply. We will be forever grateful to have had this sweet little dog in our lives.

“A true world traveler, Bandit visited three continents, explored 15 countries, and countless cities. Along the way, he became a runner and a walker, an extraordinaire in understanding three languages, a reading buddy, a gelato connoisseur, a steadfast protector, and with his mischievous streak, a legendary food thief. Rest easy now, Bandit ❤️🌈”
Kestrel was a gentle, patient and kind soul, with a love for adventure. He was such a good boy! ♡ He will forever be in our hearts.
In loving memory of our Princess Sophia! Oct 14, 2010 to Oct 16, 2024. She touched so many people in her 14 years and was so loved! Sophia loved to bask in the sun and would go anywhere inside or outside to find it. She enjoyed playing fetch and sitting up for treats and chasing the birds and squirrel out of her yard. Even when we brought her home a cat brother (Lucy) she welcomed him and love him.

I cannot thank Dr. Vanessa and Heather enough for guiding me through this difficult time. Their compassion and kindness put me at ease and took the stress out of a very difficult situation. Thank you!